The story begins in the Vaucluse, at Chateauneuf-du-Pape where Antoine Quiot acquired a few hectares of vines in 1748. Today, the Domaine du Vieux Lazaret comprises more than 100 hectares with some of the land located in the Côtes du Ventoux region. The 13th generation of the family currently work the estate.
Next, close to Aix en Provence at the foot of Mont Sainte Victoire, the Domaine Houchart came into the family in 1890. It was added to with the Domaine de Verlaque in 2002. Today, Florence and Jean-Baptiste are the fifth generation to work the estate.
Back to Chateauneuf-du-Pape where the Domaine Duclaux was established in the 1750s and has been worked by the Quiot family since 1987. The Duclaux family’s final descendant, Emmeline, passed away in 2001 and left the estate to Florence and Jean-Baptiste.
In 2000, the Quiot family diversified into wine selection, complimenting the range of wines from their own estates.
Finally, after looking to expand into the Rhône area for a long time, the Quiot family bought the Château du Trignon in 2006 and in 2008 enlarged it with 10 hectares of Vacqueyras grapes and 2 hectares of Beaumes de Venise grapes.